for the South West

A Guide to SAP and Energy Performance Certificates

What is a SAP calculation?

The Standard Assessment Procedure (SAP) Calculation is used to demonstrate compliance with Part L of the Building Regulations. SAP Calculations can be used to produce an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) once the dwelling has been built. For new build properties, the calculation produces a Building Regulation Compliance Report (to demonstrate compliance with Part L) and a SAP Worksheet. As part of the calculation process, a Target Emissions Rate (TER) and a Target Fabric Energy Efficiency Rate (TFEE) are assigned to the building and then the building's actual performance is demonstrated by the Dwelling Emission Rate (DER) and the Dwelling Fabric Energy Efficiency Rate (DFEE). If the DER and the DFEE are lower than the TER and TFEE, then compliance with Building Regulations is achieved.

Does Every New Dwelling Need a SAP Calculation?

It is the case that a SAP assessment must be completed on all new build properties, in order to gauge the energy efficiency of each one. In situations whereby the building is part of a large development of the same house type, a SAP calculation can be taken from a sample, and then applied to each of the buildings. This will mean that every plot has a SAP calculation attached to it, but that not every plot is actually assessed. When working on a development of a number of the same house types, we will more than happily adjust our pricing to reflect the reduced workload. We can also carry out other tasks concurrently if needed, to ensure that the properties meet guidelines laid down in other schemes.

What information is required for a SAP calculation?

  • Site address and post code
  • Site plan to include a north direction point
  • Scaled floor plans, building elevation and section drawings
  • Construction details of floors, walls and external walls
  • Details of windows and doors
  • Details of the heating and hot water system
  • Ventilation
  • Lighting and any renewable technology used

Measures taken to improve a SAP performance

The SAP calculation measures the energy performance of a new dwelling and by generating and retaining heat more efficiently the better the result will be

  • Improved insulation
  • High performing windows
  • Use of Accredited and Enhanced details for thermal bridges at openings, wall, floor and roof junctions

SAP is also linked to Government targets for reducing emissions through dwellings.